Book a celebrant!

Celebrant Information

Booking a celebrant will make sure you can have your wedding day wherever you choose! Even in your beautiful back garden!

Your wedding your way!

Did you know? There’s no need to have a registrar at your ceremony – whether you’re at a licensed venue or not!  Book a celebrant instead! You’ll get the ceremony you want! Together you’ll make all the choices that will ensure that you, and your guests, have the very best time!

So, you’re getting married in 2024 or 2025 and your planning is in full swing!

You’ve got the venue, the photographer, the florist, the cake and the outfits. You’re looking forward to your hen and stag dos too!

The venue is fantastic and you’ll need the registrar to legalise your marriage. You’ll book the registrar to come to your venue, or you’ll book your slot at the registry office. You’ll be happy that your ceremony is all legal and above board.

However, there’s that niggle in the back of your mind that your ceremony might be a bit boring! You’ll have a ceremony just like every other one you’ve ever seen. One that will be over in about 10 minutes too.  Is it really worth all that money?  Is it worth hundreds of pounds to have a registrar available on the day? You know you’ll be one of several couples they will see that day, at a time to suit them. Yes, all the legal language will be covered, but it might be just that bit ordinary, just like everyone else’s. However, you know the ceremony you’ve picked will keep mum happy! It will be ‘above board’ and ‘it won’t rock the boat or upset any family members.’ It will just have to do!

It doesn’t have to be like that!

Did you know you could have exactly what you want on the day? You can have a completely unique ceremony, built around you, one that will keep your family happy and delight all of your guests too?

Have you ever been to a celebrant-led ceremony?  If you have then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about and you know that you have choices! Your wedding ceremony should be as amazing as the rest of your planned day. Your ceremony doesn’t have to be boring, over in 10 minutes, or follow the same script as everyone else’s at all!

Yes, you’ll need a registrar to complete your legal paperwork, much like you need to register the birth of a baby.  But you don’t celebrate the baby’s registration date, do you?  You celebrate their birthday!  In the same way, you can legalise your marriage at the registry office at a prearranged time, and it doesn’t have to be on your wedding day.  The two dates can be entirely different!

At the moment (Jan 2024), this process can be completed for just £46.  Yes, £46!!

Book a celebrant: free yourself to have a wonderful celebration of your marriage at the venue, time and day of your choice. You don’t need to have a registrar in attendance.

Book a celebrant to lead your ceremony and make sure you have one to remember forever, full of love and joy!  Book a celebrant to get the ceremony you want!

Head to my contact page and book your free, no-obligation chat with me now and we can go over all of the great ideas you already have! I can also advise you on all of the choices you have as part of your ceremony. It will be great!!

But are you still a bit unsure? What will your family think?  Well, when they see it, they’ll be blown away by just how beautiful the ceremony was and how they wish they’d been able to have one just like it in their day!  Family members won’t even know that you’ve legalised your marriage separately. Why would they guess?  It’s your wedding and it will have all of the elements in it that they’d expect. They’ll have been so bowled over, however, by just how amazing the ceremony was that they’ll marvel at how clever you were to make it so special!

Remember!  There’s no need to have a registrar at your ceremony – whether you’re at a licensed venue or not.  Book a celebrant instead to get the ceremony you want and make all the choices that you know will give you and your guests the very best time!

Don’t pay huge registrar fees, book a celebrant instead!

Remember, you don’t have to pay huge fees to have a registrar come to your venue, or to marry you at the registry office in a full (around 10 minute) ceremony.  Book a celebrant instead!

Your independent celebrant will create a fully bespoke wedding ceremony for you, in collaboration with you. It will be unique, fabulous and memorable and one where your guests will have great fun, shed a few tears and love every minute of it.  No-one will be wondering when the bar opens or checking their watches.  Instead, they’ll be enthralled, engaged, happy and ready to enjoy the rest of the day you’ve organised for them.  Who wouldn’t want that?

So, if you want that wonderful experience, one that is uniquely you and which gives you the time and space to be yourselves, one where you’ll know the person marrying you well, and who will have your back, who will look after you and make you feel really special, then book me now.  You will love every minute of it.  I promise!

Check out my Facebook and Instagram pages for more information and detail- and my Youtube channel too!


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  • Every element of your ceremony organised beautifully!

  • Unique, fully bespoke, and just what you want for your precious day!

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When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew
